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喇叭袖 2024-05-19 英文知识 8 views 0


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The child of this age to a parent's any advice can hold defensiveness, then you should worry about is parent of communication problems.

Adolescence is the period, established own values parents should first understand no value standard is absolutely correct, so should respect child personal value orientation, if you think is wrong, and there is no need to any preaching, because this period has not in childhood that children with parents have a worship consciousness. you should try to tell their children who hold what value criteria, these people also in what kind of environment, and in the tell him you held by the view, as he should do that's his own things, should by his own solution.

My favorite movie is "puberty" in the five different characters of girls, just like in adolescence, rebellious, pursuit of personality, full of vitality, in order to dream and persevere, we are a group of self righteous children, our character, 

our Ling desert, but we also have youth self-confidence, courage, delicate, fragile our heavy feelings, know why I am We like the protagonist of this movie.

We are all very special. Therefore, my favorite movie is adolescence


Rahab(拉哈) 原始的混沌之海的支配者 Lorelei(罗蕾莱) 居住在莱因河里的女神名为Lorelei。

因为据说她们常坐在Lorelei礁石上,故得此名。她们都是会唱歌的女郎,常常用她们的销魂歌声引诱水手们迷乱而投入水中 Lilith(莉丽丝) 犹太传说中的夜魔,字意为“属于黑夜的”。据说她是与亚当同时被创造出来的第一位女子,因无视神灵而受到处罚,最终跳红海而死,在她死后天神才用亚当的肋骨创造了夏娃。Lamia(拉弥亚) 希腊神话中的人首蛇身女怪,上半身是美丽的女人,下半身为蛇身。都是神话中的名字,还有别的,就是太丑了,这几个还是蛮漂亮的





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